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First Update Available for Maximum Football

What’s up, Maximum Football community. Today we are launching our first update that addresses a number of the most commonly reported issues amongst our community. You can download today’s update now. 

The two main issues we sought to resolve in this update were ragequitters in multiplayer matches and passing/catching across all game modes. 

Here are some of the main fixes available in today’s patch. You can find more detailed patch notes below. 

  • Introducing a system to penalize ragequitters. Players who quit a match early will receive a loss, lose LP, and not earn post-match rewards. Players who remain will receive a win, LP, and their post-match rewards. 
  • Improvements to matchmaking resulting in an improved connection rate. 
  • Stability improvements. 
  • Fix for players losing control of the ball carrier and passing abilities. 
  • Improvements to passing and catching. 
  • Adjustments to accelerated clock in multiplayer matches. 
  • Improvements to the custom logo explore page to address crashes. 
  • UI Fixes. 
  • Improved profanity filtering for custom teams. 

We are continuing to monitor community feedback and prioritize fixes to gameplay and across all of our game modes. We appreciate all of you who have created discussion threads, left reviews, and interacted with us on Discord and social. We are building this game alongside you, and today’s patch will hopefully help to improve your experience in both online matches, exhibitions, and Dynasty mode. 

Detailed Patch Notes: 


  • Fixed an issue where lead blockers would not search for a target along their path. 
  • Fixed an issue where receivers would get stuck in a block animation when pressed. 
  • Fixes for several animation blends to address snap animations
  • Fixes to defensive presnap adjustments for blitzes and zones. 
  • Catch animations updated across a variety of game situations to improve responsiveness and catching. 
  • Fixed an issue where receivers would not align themselves correctly with the predicted catch starting pose. 
  • Fix an issue with sideline receivers hitching when they are free, triggering locomotion stopping that causes them to miss catches. 
  • Fixes to AI’s handling of movement in various receiver routes. 
  • Fixes to hitch-route AI receivers getting stuck strafing after catching the ball. 
  • Increased minimum kick power. Reduced maximum kick angle. Updated kick indicator to reflect the minimum and maximum angle of the kick. 
  • Fixed an issue with runningback motions in gun formations. 
  • Fixed empty audible selection when audibling out of extra point kick defense. 
  • AI QBs can now pass to halfbacks and full backs. 
  • Fixes to sideline catch animations. 

Maximum Pro League:

  • Introduced a system to penalize users who disconnect during an MPL match. Players who remain will receive a win, LP, and post game rewards. Players who disconnect will receive a loss, lose LP, and not receive post game rewards. 
  • Added leave game notification for online players who remain in the match after their opponent quits. 
  • Accelerated clock now works in Maximum Pro League
  • Customizing your team will now update your cards accordingly. 


  • Added pagination to logo explore page to resolve issue where users would crash when navigating there. 
  • Improved profanity filtering for custom teams in online play. 
  • Fixed an issue where text would overlap on some screens causing the user to not be able to click the accept button. 
  • Collapsed empty video player in drills selection screen. 
  • Adjusted the format for success/fail screens in post drill screen. 
  • Add actions for Spin Drill
  • Adjusted actions for defensive adjustments drill
  • Updated juke drill description to better fit both keyboard and controller actions. 
  • Fixed an issue where the timeout transition screen would be blocked out by the huddle loop if it was initiated by an AI controlled team. 


  • Fixed a bug where players would clip through the archway when entering the field during the opening cinematics. 
  • Fixed texture loading for patterns and fonts in team customization.